Finding Your Why Email Series

Do You Like The Direction Your Life Is Moving In?

Each one of us is predisposed with a certain set of skills and talents that make some activities enjoyable and others...not so much. Do you ever feel as though the way you’re spending the majority of your time just isn’t syncing up with the way that you’re meant to spend your time?

Maybe you’re spending yourself in an isolated office job when in reality what gives you life is being surrounded by and engaging with people.

Maybe you thought that you would be happy going down a path that allowed you financial independence, but recently you’ve been feeling as though the money just isn’t worth the endless hours and stress.

If you’re feeling this way, you’re not going crazy. You just need to find your “why.”

During this experience, I’ll be guiding you through the process of highlighting what it is you need to consider in order to start making changes that fill your life with things that make you happy, worthwhile, and successful.

Meet Greg Keiper, The Facilitator of the Finding Your Why Email Series!

Greg Keiper began his career in financial services in 2001, not long after graduating from Towson University in Maryland. Prior to his current role as President and founder of Medicare Life Annuity Insurance Group, Greg held positions in finance and mortgage lending before transitioning to Insurance Planning.

In addition to having held his Series 6 License, Greg currently holds a Certification in Long Term Care & is a National Social Security advisor.

In 2020, Greg started the Medicare Life Annuity Insurance Group, specializing in providing innovative insurance solutions & helping clients to navigate the complex Medicare marketplace. Their mission is to create personalized plans that will fit their clients’ budget, lifestyle and future needs.

In recent years, Greg has partnered with Elite Resource Team as a Team Based Model Consultant. In this role, Greg helps CPAs deliver more value to their clients through proactive and holistic planning with the help & expertise of a Virtual Family Office

As a widower who lost his wife Megan to metastatic cancer several years ago, Greg is an advocate for women’s health initiatives. In his spare time, you can find Greg watching football, volunteering & spending time with his daughter, Caroline and chocolate lab, Porter. The trio can often be found enjoying the great outdoors: camping, swimming, fishing, paddle boarding — you name it!

Greg has made it his mission to provide his clients with sound solutions that have been proven through a disciplined process. From acquiring Medicare to planning a legacy, Greg & his team at Medicare Life Annuity Insurance Group stand by their clients each step of the way.

Hosted by:

Greg Keiper

Figure Out What Fills Your Cup

I want you to know that it’s never too late to change direction and follow the things that you’re passionate about.

So many people go through their life with talents that are unused and eventually go to waste because they’re afraid of straying from the road they’ve started down. They think they’re too broke, too old, too far down one path.

When we are first starting off in our lives and our careers, options seem endless and opportunities abound; but once we settle into a routine, things can quickly seem “permanent.” If we’ve found our way into a life or career that doesn’t make us feel good, this feeling of permanence can be draining and frustrating, which makes life seem draining and frustrating. When we’re feeling as though we’re not contributing to society the way we want to, or using up our days in a way that makes us feel good, we get stuck in a rut.

I want to help you stand up and get out of that rut. I want you to start incorporating new things into your life that make you feel good, and this email series is going to help you do just that.

I Can’t Wait to Share More With You!